Photo by Matt Ferrara

I am a visual artist, biologist, and educator. I use comics to make the invisible or esoteric more accessible and to tell stories of the diverse lifeforms that share our world. In 2023, I joined the faculty at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design as an assistant professor of biology.

My field expertise is in neuroscience, evolution, molecular biology, and physiology and I enjoy learning about more areas of science through art.

Please direct all publishing-related inquiries to my agent, Farley Chase. Reach out to me directly if you are interested in a science-related illustration, short comic, zine, or workshop.

My full CV. Condensed version below.



Group Show, Why We Make Comics, Portland Public Library
Grief Reef, Splintermouth Anthology
Animal Diary Comics Workshop, MICE
Solo Show, Mighty Metamorphosis, Industry Lab
Science & Self Zine Workshop, Phillips Exeter Academy
Artist Residency, Industry Lab


Junior Resident, STEM Advocacy Institute
Invited Guest, The Non-fiction Comics Festival
Invited Speaker, The American Society of Parasitology


Fellow, STEM Advocacy Institute
Science Education Partner, Harvard Museum of Natural History


How Far Away Is China?, Grow by Ginkgo
The Real Fishwives of Cashes Ledge, Conservation Law Foundation


Postdoctoral Research, Harvard University (2014-2022)
Biology PhD, Stanford University (2008-2014)